Geographical areas
Programmatic approaches

Knowledge, Attitudes, Habits and Healthier Diets - up 10.9%

A preschool-based intervention aimed at improving knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) related to healthy diet and active lifestyle
Cluster RCT

Training and Information - Young Women's Engagement in Income Generation up 48%

Vocational training and information on sex, reproduction, and marriage
RCT; 5,966 adolescent girls surveyed at baseline

Cash Transfer - School Attendance Increased 5%-points

Cash transfer (CT) programmes
Systematic review of 7 studies, including 2 RCTs (above is quoted from a Malawian RCT involving 1,242 children)

Partner Discussion - Contraceptive Use Increased 1.57 times

A gender equity and family planning intervention for married men, both alone and with their wives
Cluster RCT

Equity Promotion - 50% of Studies Reporting Healthy Adolescent Relationship Improvement

Education or training for healthy relationships, promotion of gender-equitable attitudes or norms, and modifications to school environments, policies, or services
Systematic review with 52 evaluations, 20 from LMICs and 36 RCTs or cluster RCTs

Social Health Activists - Neonatal Mortality Reduced: 30 vs. 44 per 1,000

Social health activists supporting women's groups through a participatory learning and action meeting cycle
Cluster RCT

Camps and Full Immunisation Increase - 39% vs. 6%

Intervention A: regular availability of immunization services, mobile immunization team, monthly immunization camps; Intervention B: adds 1 kg of raw lentils per immunization and a set of thalis on completion
Cluster RCT

Interactive Peer Groups and Motivational SMS - Incorrect Malaria Treatment down 4%

Training in small interactive peer-group sessions with motivational SMS at later stages
3-arm stratified cluster-randomized trial with 44,121 participants

Participatory Learning - Diabetes Reduced 20.7%

mHealth and community mobilization (participatory learning and action cycle)
20.7% reduction in the prevalence of type 2 diabetes.
Translation of academic data - see line 6
Three-arm, cluster-randomised trial

Behaviour-Centred Design - Toilets Improved by 10%

Automated SMS and a mobile phone voucher enabling 2-way communication between wired mothers and healthcare providers in a resource-limited setting
Cluster RCT
Geographical areas
Programmatic approaches

Educating Religious Leaders - 23.3% More Men Circumcised

Male circumcision outreach activities that included the involvement of Christian church leaders in the promotion of male circumcision after they were given training on circumcision and given tools to lead their congregation in the understanding and practice of male circumcision

School-based Behaviour Change Intervention - 1.9 Times Lower Rate of Sexual Initiation

A school-based intervention that sought to reduce sexual initiation and promote condom use through peer education, teacher-led lessons, and youth-friendly health service clinics
Cluster RCT with 5,091 adolescents

Gender-Sensitive Curriculum - 16% of Regressive Attitudes Converted

Discussion-based, facilitated classroom sessions to create awareness of gender-based discrimination, change dominant gendered perceptions, promote gender-equitable attitudes, raise girls' aspirations, and provide tools to participants to translate attitude change and greater aspirations into behaviour change
RCT with 14,809 students at baseline (across 149 treatment schools and 164 control schools)

Community Mobilisation - 19.8% vs. 14.3% Virally Suppressed

Engaging in community mobilization activities, harnessing networks for message dissemination, and forging organised community action
Cluster RCT with 8 intervention communities (n=20,544 residents) and 7 control communities (n=17,848)

Psychosocial Resilience Curriculum - Improved Physical Health for Adolescent Girls

A comprehensive, scalable programme that combines evidence-based curricula that promote health [the Girls First Health Curriculum (HC)] as well as resilience/psychosocial wellbeing [the Girls First Resilience Curriculum (RC)] for marginalised girls in India

Focused Psychosocial Support - Beneficial Effect on PTSD Symptoms

Focused psychosocial support interventions for children exposed to traumatic events in humanitarian settings in low-income countries (LICs)
Systematic review of 11 RCTs

Nutrition and Health Behaviour Change Communication, along with Home Visits - 15.9 Percentage Point Reduction in Diarrhoea

Agriculture production activities integrated with nutrition and health behaviour change communication (BCC), along with home visits by either an older woman leader or health committee member
Cluster RCT

School-based Health Hygiene Education - 58% Lower Ascaris Lumbricoides Infection

A school-based health hygiene education intervention integrated into a general school deworming programme
Cluster RCT

Cash Transfer for HIV Prevention - 90% of Studies Measuring Change in Sexual Behaviours Found a Positive Impact

Using cash for prevention of sexual transmission of HIV, with the purpose of the transfer varying by study (and conditionality or not): school attendance, school completion, poverty alleviation, and completion of health promotion activities, such as sexually transmitted infection (STI)/HIV testing
Systematic review with 16 studies, of which 15 are RCTs

School-based Handwashing Promotion - Significantly Reduced Absenteeism

A standard school-based handwashing programme as compared to an expanded version that included soap for school sinks and student handwashing champions/peer hygiene monitors
Cluster RCT