UNICEF SBC Toolkit for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS)
Empowering Change-Makers Globally: A Comprehensive Guide for Practitioners, Humanitarian Workers, and Policymakers
The social and behaviour change (SBC) for mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) package is tailored to a global and diverse set of change-makers committed to improving mental health and psychosocial support, including but not limited to MHPSS practitioners, humanitarian aid workers, public health professionals, educators and policymakers.
This suite of tools has five chapters:
- Applied Behavioural Science
- Message Brief: Tips to generate reflection and dialogue on key messages for MHPSS
- Social Movements for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support
- Training Module: Community engagement for Mental Health and Psychosocial Wellbeing
- Integrating Social and Behaviour Change Communication into Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Programming
Chapter 1: Applied Behavioural Science
This chapter of the social and behaviour change (SBC) for mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) package is tailored to a global and diverse set of change-makers committed to improving mental health and psychosocial support, including but not limited to MHPSS practitioners, humanitarian aid workers, public health professionals, educators and policymakers. It serves as a valuable resource for those seeking to design, implement and evaluate applied behavioural science (ABS) interventions for SBC within MHPSS.
Chapter 2: Message Brief: Tips to generate reflection and dialogue on key messages for MHPSS
Key messages for mental health and psycho-social support (MHPSS) are concise and evidence- informed statements designed to convey essential information about mental health, well-being, and available support services. They serve as conversation starters for dialogues with users of MHPSS- related information and services. This message brief focuses on how to effectively co-create and test key messages for MHPSS across different cultural and social settings.
Chapter 3: Social movements for mental health and psychosocial support
Social movements are the core of social change and represent joint efforts by citizens, groups and communities bound by similar goals to overcome their condition, tackle social issues together or resist domination (UNICEF, 2023). They can also be defined as “a set of people with a shared experience of injustice, who organize themselves to build their collective power and leadership”, and develop a shared agenda for change, which they pursue through collective action, with some continuity over it.
Chapter 4: Training Module: Community engagement for Mental Health and Psychosocial Wellbeing
Integrating Social and Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) into mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) programming can raise mental health awareness, reduce stigma and promote positive behaviour change. This chapter showcases examples of SBCC for MHPSS from 2019 to the present from within and outside UNICEF that use a variety of strategies and communication approaches – from print and digital storytelling to social media campaigns, hashtags and chatbots, documentary film, and more. You can also access the notes for the trainer and coordinator.
Chapter 5: Integrating Social and Behaviour Change Communication into Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Programming
Training module on community engagement principles and standards for MH and psychosocial wellbeing across different cultural and social settings, and the skills required to conduct effective community engagement. It is designed to be adapted to different settings and contexts through translation, and inserting examples, illustrations and case studies that are relevant to the specific needs of the training group.